Wednesday, February 25, 2009


tq to zidah..coz telah men'tag'kan aku..setelah sekian lama aku tak ditag oleh sapa2 pun..tq...aku buat assignment kali ni..walaupun dalam keadaan dizzy...
Rules:It’s harder than it looks!Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.They have to be real…nothing made up!If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name : emie
2. A four Letter Word : e'cool
3. A boy's Name : emy (betulnyer eja amy)
4. A girl's Name : ereesha kot
5. An occupation : ecologist (ntah betul ker idak)
6. A colour : e'blue
7. Something you'll wear : e'spander
9. A food : emak punyer masakan ler
10. Something found in the bathroom: e'wash (hehehe)
11. A place : england jer lah...(sebenarnya nak ke gold cost)
12. A reason for being late: e'traffic jam
13. Something you'd shout : eee..geramnyer...
14. A movie title : eagle eye..
15. Something you drink : epal juice...(walhal air suam ajer)
16. A band group & singer : exist n elthon john (dua2 pun tak suka) aku suka bsb n mariah carey
17. An animal : eagle
18. A street name : end road (jalan mati)
19. A type of car : exora
20. The title of a song : everything i do...
skang nak tag ermm..sapa yer...anie, midot, anom..semua yang tak buat lagi lah..


~aSHa~ said...

eee ko ni...jgn la guna nama emi dah...kan tak leh guna nama sendiri...ermmm takpe sib baik ejaan lain jawapan diterima... markah 14/20...yg lain2 tidak diterima..spt espender...ehehehehe

{ e'mie } said...

kentut betul kko ni...ada markah ker..aku ingat takder markah...ermmm...buat semula bley...